The principles of immutability and data integrity are the cornerstones for building reliable, maintainable, and concurrent applications. The .NET ecosystem, with its rich set of features and language enhancements, provides developers with powerful tools to embrace these principles. Among these innovations, records stand out as a significant addition to C#, offering a simple syntax for creating immutable data types with value-based equality semantics.

However, records in .NET are not inherently immutable—a fact that might surprise some. By incorporating properties with get;set; accessors, we introduce mutability into what might otherwise be an immutable structure. This observation serves as a launching pad for a broader discussion on the essence of immutability in .NET, challenging us to rethink our assumptions and design choices. These discussions are not merely academic; they have practical implications for performance, concurrency and the overall robustness of applications.

Understanding Records in .NET

Introduced in C# 9.0 as part of the .NET 5 release, records are a type of reference type that provides built-in functionality for encapsulating data. Unlike classes, which focus on encapsulating operations and behaviors, records are designed primarily for storing immutable data. This design choice reflects a shift towards functional programming concepts within the object-oriented paradigm of C#. Records simplify the creation of data-centric models where the identity of an object is closely tied to its state rather than its object reference.

Records provide several enhancements and overrides out of the box, which contribute to their distinct behavior compared to classes:

  • Equals(Object): Records override the Equals method to support value-based equality, unlike classes which use reference equality by default. This means two record instances are considered equal if all their properties have equal values.
  • GetHashCode(): In conjunction with value-based equality, records override GetHashCode to ensure that the hash code of a record instance is derived from the values of its properties. This is crucial for the correct functioning of records as keys in hash-based collections like Dictionary.
  • ToString(): Records override the ToString method to provide a string representation of the record that includes its property names and values. This override is more informative and useful for debugging purposes than the default implementation provided by classes, which only returns the namespace and name of the type.
  • Deconstruct(): Records automatically support deconstruction, allowing their properties to be easily unpacked into separate variables. This feature facilitates pattern matching and functional-style programming by enabling straightforward decomposition of record instances.
  • With Expressions: Exclusive to records, with expressions allow for non-destructive mutation, enabling the creation of new record instances that are copies of existing instances with some properties modified. This feature supports the concept of immutability by allowing changes without altering the original record.

Compiler-Generated Methods

The C# compiler automatically generates additional methods to support these features, including:

  • Equality Operators (== and !=): Alongside the Equals method, records also provide overridden equality and inequality operators to support value-based comparisons directly.
  • Copy Constructor: Records include a compiler-generated copy constructor that facilitates the creation of new instances with the same property values as existing instances. This constructor is used internally by with expressions.
  • PrintMembers(): Part of the ToString override mechanism, this protected method is called by the ToString method to print the names and values of the properties. It can be overridden to customize the ToString output.

Init-only Setters

The init keyword in C# introduces init-only setters, which are properties that can only be set during object initialization. Unlike regular setters, which allow property values to be changed at any time, init-only setters lock the property value after the object has been constructed, promoting immutability.

public sealed class Product
    public string Name { get; init; }
    public decimal Price { get; init; }

Using init ensures that once a Product instance is created, its Name and Price cannot be modified, which is crucial for maintaining data integrity throughout the application’s lifecycle.

Records and Mutability

Records in C# are a way to define immutable reference types with value-based equality. By default, records are immutable, but you can include mutable properties using get;set;.

public record Person
    public string FirstName { get; init; } // Immutable
    public string LastName { get; init; } // Immutable
    public string Address { get; set; } // Mutable

While records promote immutability, adding mutable properties with get; set; can undermine this principle. It’s essential to carefully consider the design implications of including mutable state in records.

Value Equality vs. Reference Equality

In .NET, understanding the distinction between value equality and reference equality is crucial, especially when dealing with records and classes.

  • Reference Equality: Two object references are considered equal if they point to the same instance in memory. This is the default behavior for class instances in C#.
var objectA = new MyClass();
var objectB = objectA;
bool areEqual = ReferenceEquals(objectA, objectB); // True

Value Equality: Two objects are considered equal if their contents are identical, not just if they refer to the same memory location. Records in C# are designed with value equality in mind, thanks to the auto-generated Equals method and other equality members.

var recordA = new MyRecord { Property = "Value" };
var recordB = new MyRecord { Property = "Value" };
bool areEqual = recordA == recordB; // True, because of value equality

This distinction is vital for data modeling and operations that depend on the equality of the objects, such as when using collections or when comparing data entities for equality.

With Expressions

“With” expressions in C# provide a concise syntax for creating a new record instance by copying existing record values while allowing for specific properties to be changed.

public record Person(string FirstName, string LastName);

var originalPerson = new Person("John", "Doe");
var modifiedPerson = originalPerson with { LastName = "Smith" };

This expression creates a new Person instance where the LastName is “Smith” while retaining the FirstName from originalPerson. This feature promotes immutability by ensuring the original record remains unchanged.

Immutability and Concurrency

Immutability plays a pivotal role in enhancing the safety and robustness of concurrent applications. Immutable objects, once created, cannot be modified, thus eliminating a common source of bugs and complexities related to concurrent modifications of shared state.

  • Thread Safety: Immutable objects are inherently thread-safe, as their state cannot change after construction, making them safe to share across threads without synchronization mechanisms like locks.
  • Simplifying Concurrency Models: Using immutable data structures simplifies the design of concurrent algorithms and reduces the risk of deadlocks and race conditions, as there’s no need to manage access to mutable shared state.

In .NET, records and immutable collections provide a foundation for building thread-safe applications by promoting immutability and value semantics.

Pattern Matching Enhancements

C# has continually enhanced its pattern matching capabilities, and with the introduction of records, these capabilities have become even more powerful. Records, by virtue of their deconstruction patterns and value-based equality, enable more expressive and concise pattern matching scenarios.

public record Person(string FirstName, string LastName);

var person = new Person("John", "Doe");

var greeting = person switch
    ("John", "Doe") => "Hello, John Doe!",
    ("Jane", "Doe") => "Hello, Jane Doe!",
    _ => "Hello, stranger!"


Pattern matching with records allows for clean and intuitive matching on the actual data content, making code easier to read and maintain.

Deconstructing Records

Records in C# support deconstruction, allowing an instance of a record to be easily broken down into its constituent parts. This feature works hand-in-hand with pattern matching to simplify working with complex data types.

public record Person(string FirstName, string LastName);

var person = new Person("John", "Doe");

var (firstName, lastName) = person; // Deconstruction
Console.WriteLine($"First Name: {firstName}, Last Name: {lastName}");

Deconstruction provides a syntactically concise way to access individual properties of records without explicitly referencing each property.


This comprehensive guide has explored the intricacies of records, immutability, and related concepts in .NET, providing a deep dive into how these features can be used to build robust and maintainable applications. By incorporating these principles and practices into your development workflow, you can significantly enhance the quality and performance of your .NET applications.

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