From the early days of callbacks and events to the modern async and await patterns, .NET has continually provided developers with powerful abstractions to handle asynchronous operations. Among these advancements, IAsyncEnumerable<T> stands out as a pivotal addition for working with asynchronous streams of data. Introduced in C# 8.0 and .NET Core 3.0, IAsyncEnumerable<T> allows developers to process streaming data asynchronously, offering a seamless and efficient way to handle large datasets or real-time data feeds without blocking the main thread. To fully appreciate the significance of IAsyncEnumerable<T>, it’s essential to understand the evolution of asynchronous programming in .NET.

From IAsyncResult to Task-Based Asynchrony

The journey began with the IAsyncResult pattern, which was the initial approach for asynchronous programming in .NET. This pattern was effective but often cumbersome, requiring a fair amount of boilerplate code and making error handling and control flow complex.

With the introduction of the Task Parallel Library (TPL) in .NET 4, the Task-based asynchronous pattern (TAP) became the recommended approach for asynchronous programming. TAP provided a more straightforward, readable syntax and improved composability of asynchronous operations through the use of async and await keywords.

However, both IAsyncResult and TAP primarily focused on single, one-off asynchronous operations. They were not designed with streaming or incremental processing of data in mind, which led to inefficiencies when dealing with large volumes of data that needed to be processed as it was received.

Introduction of IAsyncEnumerable<T>

Recognizing the need for a more efficient way to handle streaming data, IAsyncEnumerable<T> was introduced in C# 8.0 and .NET Core 3.0. This addition bridged the gap in the asynchronous programming model, allowing developers to asynchronously iterate over sequences of data with the same ease and elegance as synchronous code. IAsyncEnumerable<T> was a significant milestone, marking the evolution of asynchronous programming in .NET to fully support streaming scenarios.

Why Use AsyncEnumerable?

AsyncEnumerable is not just a new feature; it’s a paradigm shift in how we handle data streams in .NET applications. Its importance becomes evident in several scenarios where data is not immediately available or when dealing with large volumes of data that need to be processed incrementally. Let’s explore why AsyncEnumerable is a game-changer and the scenarios where its benefits are most pronounced.

Efficiency in Data Streaming

The primary advantage of AsyncEnumerable is its efficiency in handling data streams. Traditional synchronous enumeration requires all data to be present before processing can begin, which can lead to significant delays and a large memory footprint if the dataset is large. On the other hand, AsyncEnumerable allows processing to start as soon as the first data item is available, significantly reducing memory usage and improving responsiveness.

Improved Responsiveness

Applications that process large data sets or stream data from external sources often face challenges with responsiveness. Blocking operations, such as waiting for a database query to return all rows, can cause an application to become unresponsive. AsyncEnumerable mitigates this issue by allowing the application to remain responsive, processing each item as it becomes available, without blocking the main thread.

Real-World Use Cases

  • Web API Calls: When consuming APIs that return large amounts of data, using AsyncEnumerable can improve performance by processing data as it’s received, rather than waiting for the entire payload.
  • Database Streams: For database operations that return large result sets, AsyncEnumerable can stream the results, reducing memory overhead and allowing the application to start processing data immediately.
  • File Processing: Reading and processing large files line by line becomes more efficient with AsyncEnumerable, as it allows for asynchronous processing without loading the entire file into memory.

How to Implement and Use AsyncEnumerable

Implementing and using AsyncEnumerable requires a shift in how we think about data flows in our applications. Here’s a guide to get you started:

Let’s implement a producer that generates an AsyncEnumerable sequence, you can use the async keyword along with yield return in a method that returns IAsyncEnumerable<T>. This pattern is similar to that used for IEnumerable<T>, but with asynchronous operations.

public async IAsyncEnumerable<string> ReadLinesAsync(string filePath)
    using var reader = File.OpenText(filePath);
    string? line;
    while ((line = await reader.ReadLineAsync()) != null)
        yield return line;

This example demonstrates reading a file line by line asynchronously, yielding each line as it’s read, without loading the entire file into memory.

Consuming an AsyncEnumerable is straightforward with the await foreach syntax, which allows you to iterate over the asynchronous sequence in a non-blocking manner.

await foreach (var line in ReadLinesAsync("example.txt"))

This code reads lines from a file asynchronously, processing each line as it becomes available.

Api Pagination

IAsyncEnumerable can be used for API pagination in .NET applications. This interface allows you to asynchronously stream data, one element at a time, which fits well with the concept of pagination where data is fetched and processed in chunks. Using IAsyncEnumerable for API pagination can lead to more efficient memory use and can improve the responsiveness of your application, especially when dealing with large datasets or when the total size of the data is unknown at the start of the fetch operation.

Here’s an example:

public async IAsyncEnumerable<T> FetchPaginatedDataAsync<T>(string apiUrl, int pageSize)
    int pageNumber = 0;
    bool moreData = true;

    while (moreData)
        var pageData = await FetchDataPageAsync<T>(apiUrl, pageNumber, pageSize);

        if (pageData == null || !pageData.Any())
            moreData = false;
            foreach (var item in pageData)
                yield return item;


private async Task<IEnumerable<T>> FetchDataPageAsync<T>(string apiUrl, int pageNumber, int pageSize)
    // Implement the actual API call here, fetching a specific page of data
    // This could involve setting query string parameters for pagination controls (like offset, limit, etc.)
    // Then deserialize the response into an IEnumerable<T> and return it

In this example, FetchPaginatedDataAsync is the method implementing IAsyncEnumerable. It calls FetchDataPageAsync repeatedly to fetch each page of data from the API until no more data is available. As it fetches each page, it yields the items one by one to the caller, who can process them asynchronously.

This pattern is particularly useful in scenarios like loading data into a UI component as it arrives, reducing perceived latency, or when processing large datasets that shouldn’t be loaded entirely into memory for reasons of efficiency.

Best Practices

When working with AsyncEnumerable, consider the following best practices to ensure efficient and robust applications:

  • Cancellation Support: Implement cancellation token support in your asynchronous streams to allow consumers to cancel long-running operations.
  • Error Handling: Use try-catch blocks within your await foreach loops to handle exceptions gracefully.
  • Backpressure Management: Be mindful of backpressure, or the buildup of unprocessed data, by controlling the flow of data in your application.

AsyncEnumerable opens up new possibilities for efficiently handling asynchronous data streams in .NET applications. By embracing this feature, developers can build more responsive, scalable, and performant applications that can handle large datasets and real-time data with ease.


The introduction of IAsyncEnumerable<T> in .NET Core 3.0 and C# 8.0 represents a significant advancement in the asynchronous programming capabilities of the .NET ecosystem. By providing a standardized way to asynchronously enumerate over sequences of data, IAsyncEnumerable<T> addresses a critical need for efficient, responsive processing of streaming data. As we’ve seen through various real-world applications, this feature can dramatically improve the performance and responsiveness of applications dealing with large datasets, real-time data feeds, or any scenario where data is incrementally available.

Asynchronous programming in .NET has come a long way from the early days of IAsyncResult to the task-based patterns introduced with TPL and now to the streaming capabilities of IAsyncEnumerable<T>. This evolution reflects the ongoing commitment of the .NET platform to provide developers with the tools they need to build efficient, scalable, and responsive applications.

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