Func, Predicate, and Action are built-in delegate types provided by the .NET framework, used mainly with LINQ and asynchronous programming. Understanding them can simplify your code by reducing the need to define custom delegates.

A Brief Recap on Delegates

At its core, a delegate is a type-safe function pointer, representing references to methods with a particular parameter list and return type. They allow us to invoke methods dynamically, providing the backbone for events in .NET and serving as a bridge between non-generic and generic methods.

The Func Delegate

Represents a method that can have zero to sixteen input parameters and returns a value.


Func<int, int, int> add = (a, b) => a + b;
Console.WriteLine(add(3, 5));  // Output: 8
Console.WriteLine("Before delegate declaration.");

Func<int> getNumber = () => 
    Console.WriteLine("Inside the Func delegate.");
    return 10;

Console.WriteLine("After delegate declaration.");

int result = getNumber();  // This is where the delegate gets executed.

Console.WriteLine($"Result: {result}");

The Predicate Delegate

The Predicate<T> delegate is specifically designed to represent a method that determines whether a specified value of type T satisfies a particular condition and returns a bool. This design choice reflects the idea that predicates are generally used to test a single value against a condition. Its primary use-case is for methods that need a simple condition-checking function, such as filtering operations.

For example, one of the common uses for Predicate<T> is with the List<T>.FindAll method, where you want to find all items in a list that satisfy a specific condition. Each item in the list is tested against the predicate.


Predicate<int> isEven = number => number % 2 == 0;
Console.WriteLine(isEven(4));  // Output: True

The Action Delegate

Represents a method that can have zero to sixteen input parameters but does not return a value. Whenever you need to perform an operation without a return, like a callback or an event handler, think Action.


Action<string> print = message => Console.WriteLine(message);
print("Hello, World!");  // Output: Hello, World!

//Can also be written like so:
Action<string> print = Console.WriteLine;
print("Hello, World!");  // Output: Hello, World!

Key Differences at a Glance

  • Return Value:
    • Func has a return value, which can be any type.
    • Predicate always returns a bool.
    • Action does not return a value (void).
  • Parameters:
    • Both Func and Action can handle up to 16 parameters, providing flexibility.
    • Predicate is singular in its approach with just one parameter.
  • Usages:
    • Func is versatile, great for LINQ and any method expecting a result.
    • Predicate is your filtering buddy.
    • Action steps in when you just need to get things done without any feedback.


Func, Predicate, and Action are indispensable tools in the modern C# developer’s toolbox. Embracing them can lead to cleaner, more readable code, and a smoother programming experience. So, the next time you’re defining a method inline or working with LINQ, give a nod to these delegate types and let them simplify your code!

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